Results for 'Reviewed by Richard Davies'

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  1.  21
    Reimagining Liberal Education: Affiliation and Inquiry in Democratic Schooling and Religious Education: Educating for Diversity.Reviewed by Richard Davies - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (6).
  2.  20
    Reviewed Work(s): An introduction to the philosophy of mathematics by Mark Colyvan.Review by: Richard Pettigrew - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):396-397,.
  3.  26
    How should fracking research be funded?Richard J. Davies & Liam G. Herringshaw - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (2):116-118.
    The use of hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) to extract oil or gas from shales is a subject of controversy. There are many scientific questions about the risks associated with the technique, and much research remains to be done. ReFINE (Researching Fracking In Europe) is a research consortium led by Newcastle University and Durham University in the UK, focusing on the environmental impacts of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods. The project was established to answer questions raised by members of (...)
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  4. Cultural evolution: A review of theoretical challenges.Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Chellappoo, Taylor Davis, Miriam Haidle, Eric Kimbrough, Henrike Moll, Richard Moore, Thom Scott-Phillips, Benjamin Purzycki & José Segovia-Martin - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6.
    The rapid growth of cultural evolutionary science, its expansion into numerous fields, its use of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary developments in theory and philosophy of science. This has led to concern, exemplified in results from a recent survey conducted with members of the Cultural Evolution Society, that the field lacks ‘knowledge synthesis’, is poorly supported by ‘theory’, has an ambiguous relation to biological evolution and uses key terms (e.g. ‘culture’, ‘social learning’, ‘cumulative culture’) in ways (...)
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    Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions (review).Edward Bradford Davis - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 277-278 [Access article in PDF] John Hedley Brooke, Margaret J. Osler, and Jitse M. van der Meer, editors. Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Journals Division, 2001. Pp. xiii + 376. Cloth, $39.00. Paper, $25.00. Some twenty years ago, when I submitted a dissertation proposal to explore connections between theologies of creation and views of scientific (...)
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    Stellar Spectral Classification.Richard O. Gray & Christopher J. Corbally - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Written by leading experts in the field, Stellar Spectral Classification is the only book to comprehensively discuss both the foundations and most up-to-date techniques of MK and other spectral classification systems. Definitive and encyclopedic, the book introduces the astrophysics of spectroscopy, reviews the entire field of stellar astronomy, and shows how the well-tested methods of spectral classification are a powerful discovery tool for graduate students and researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics. The book begins with a historical survey, followed by (...)
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    Robert Stecker, interpretation and construction: Art, speech, and the law.Reviews by David Davies & Julie Van Camp - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 62 (3):291–296.
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    Richard Markovits, matters of principle: Legitimate legal argument and constitutional interpretation.Reviewed by David A. Reidy - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4).
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    Review: Richard Sorabji, Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values. [REVIEW]Review by: Charles A. Goodman - 2014 - Ethics 124 (2):436-440,.
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    Review: Richard Ekins, The Nature of Legislative Intent. [REVIEW]Review by: Gregory Bassham - 2014 - Ethics 124 (2):403-406,.
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  11. David Davies, art as performance.Reviews by Robert Stecker & John Dilworth - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (1):75–80.
    In his absorbing book Art as Performance, David Davies argues that artworks should be identified, not with artistic products such as paintings or novels, but instead with the artistic actions or processes that produced such items. Such a view had an earlier incarnation in Currie’s widely criticized “action type hypothesis”, but Davies argues that it is instead action tokens rather than types with which artworks should be identified. This rich and complex work repays the closest study in spite (...)
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    The De malo of Thomas Aquinas: with facing-page translation by Richard Regan.Brian Davies & Richard J. Regan - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard J. Regan & Brian Davies.
    The De Malo represents some of St. Thomas Aquinas' most mature thinking on goodness, badness, and human agency. Together with the second part of the Summa Theologiae, it is one of his most sustained contributions to moral philosophy and theology. Aquinas examines the full range of questions associated with evil: its origin, its nature, its variety, its relation to good, and its compatibility with the existence of an omnipotent, benevolent God. This edition offers the Leonine Commission's authoritative edition of the (...)
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    Review: Richard A. Epstein, The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limited Government. [REVIEW]Review by: Keith E. Whittington - 2014 - Ethics 125 (1):254-258,.
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  14. Terror networks and sacred values synopsis of report from madrid – Morocco – Hamburg – palestine – Israel – syria delivered to nsc staff, white house, wednesday, March 28, 2007, 4 pm by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod and Richard Davis. [REVIEW]Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, Richard Davis & Marc Sageman - unknown
    A Scientific Approach The facts detailed in this briefing are the results of scientific exploration of terror networks and sacred values and their association to political violence. The research is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation.
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    Review of Richard Davies, Descartes: Belief, Scepticism and Virtue[REVIEW]John Marshall - 2002 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002 (1).
  16. Reviewed by Richard Saull.Fred Halliday - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (1):288-303.
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    Book review: Criticizing the media: An essay review by Richard P. Cunningham. [REVIEW]Richard P. Cunningham - 1990 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 5 (1):59 – 63.
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    Michael Davis, thinking like an engineer: Studies in the ethics of a profession.Reviewed by Taft H. Broome Jr - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
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    Recidivist Punishments: The Philosopher's View.Peter Asp, Christopher Bennett, Peter Cave, J. Angelo Corlett, Richard Dagger, Michael Davis, Anthony Ellis, Thomas S. Petersen, Julian V. Roberts & Torbjörn Tännsjö (eds.) - 2011 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Much has been written about recidivist punishments, particularly within the area of criminology. However there is a notorious lack of penal philosophical reflection on this issue. This book attempts to fill that gap by presenting the philosopher’s view on this matter as a way of furthering the debate on recidivist punishments.
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  20.  25
    How to Commit the Gambler's Fallacy and Get Away with It.Davis Baird & Richard E. Otte - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:169 - 180.
    In a recent article Ian Hacking argues that there can be cases where no probabilities may correctly be ascribed to individual members of a population, while probabilities are correctly ascribable to the population as a whole. In this paper a simple artificial coin-flipping model for such probabilities, not 'grounded from below' is constructed. The inferences licensed by this model and a consequence of the model for the theory of statistical tests is explored.
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    Comment by Richard McPherson.Richard McPherson - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (4):538-540.
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2002.Joel Andreas, Richard Berk, Fred Block, Davis John Bowen, Ann E. Bowler, Lisa Brush, Bruce J. Caldwell, Greensboro Bruce G. Carruthers, Thomas Gold & Berkeley Mark Granovetter - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (1):151-152.
  23.  10
    Education, Ethics and Experience: Essays in Honour of Richard Pring.Michael Hand & Richard Davies (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    _Education, Ethics and Experience_ is a collection of original philosophical essays celebrating the work of one of the most influential philosophers of education of the last 40 years. Richard Pring’s substantial body of work has addressed topics ranging from curriculum integration to the comprehensive ideal, vocational education to faith schools, professional development to the privatisation of education, moral seriousness to the nature of educational research. The twelve essays collected here explore and build on Pring’s treatment of topics that are (...)
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  24. The ins and outs of virtue and vice.Richard Davis - manuscript
    According to the nineteenth century English philosopher John Stuart Mill, all human beings desire to live lives pregnant with happiness; we all long to be the recipients of liberal amounts of varied, high quality pleasures with pain making as brief an appearance in our conscious experience as possible. Happiness is the one and only thing we desire for its own sake; everything else is desirable simply as a means to securing happiness. Perhaps this is so. Mill, however, went on to (...)
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  25.  16
    Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stūpas of Andhra Pradesh. By Catherine Becker.Richard Davis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stūpas of Andhra Pradesh. By Catherine Becker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xxiv + 321, 108 illustr. $35.
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  26.  41
    The Metaphysics of Theism and Modality.Richard Brian Davis - 2001 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang.
    In this book, Richard Brian Davis explores various attempts to solve the Dependence Problem – the problem posed by the following question: How can necessary truths stand to God in a one-way relation of dependence when neither they nor God could have failed to exist? Critics charge that this problem is insoluble. Davis argues at length that the most powerful and promising contemporary solutions to this problem – those offered by Linda Zagzebski, Brian Leftow, Thomas V. Morris, and William (...)
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  27. The Dependence Problem: Theism, Counterpossibles, and Necessity.Richard Brian Davis - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    This dissertation explores various attempts to solve the Dependence Problem problem posed by the following question: How can necessary truths stand to God in a one-way relation of dependence, given that neither they nor God could have failed to exist?
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  28.  45
    Ceaselessly Exploring, Arriving Where We Started and Knowing It for the First Time.Richard Davies - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (3):293-303.
    In this paper I explore the implications of the increasing social and sociable uses of new, mobile internet associated technologies for online learning. In particular I focus on tablet computers as at the vanguard of this shift. Drawing on discourses of technobiophilia and phatic communion, the propositions explored in this paper are that: that internet associated technologies have been shaped by and reflect the ways in which humans engage with objects and each other in the physical world, that of particular (...)
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  29.  26
    Better Wed than Read: Marriage as a Paradigm Case for the theory of Documentality.Richard Davies - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:52-73.
    In Documentalità, Maurizio Ferraris presents marriage as a paradigmatic instance of a social object whose essence is constituted by the generation of documents. This claim appears to hold good for some of the standard forms of matrimony recognised within the Roman Law tradition. The case is put for saying that, nevertheless, the appeal to documents puts the cart before the horse: the validity of a marriage depends, if anything, on the behaviour of the participants in it as much before as (...)
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  30. Bernd Magnus and Kathleen M. Higgins, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche Reviewed by.Christa Davis Acampora - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (1):47-49.
  31.  54
    Beyond Criticism of Ethics Review Boards: Strategies for Engaging Research Communities and Enhancing Ethical Review Processes.Andrew Hickey, Samantha Davis, Will Farmer, Julianna Dawidowicz, Clint Moloney, Andrea Lamont-Mills, Jess Carniel, Yosheen Pillay, David Akenson, Annette Brömdal, Richard Gehrmann, Dean Mills, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Tanya Machin, Suzanne Reich, Kim Southey, Lynda Crowley-Cyr, Taiji Watanabe, Josh Davenport, Rohit Hirani, Helena King, Roshini Perera, Lucy Williams, Kurt Timmins, Michael Thompson, Douglas Eacersall & Jacinta Maxwell - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):549-567.
    A growing body of literature critical of ethics review boards has drawn attention to the processes used to determine the ethical merit of research. Citing criticism on the bureaucratic nature of ethics review processes, this literature provides a useful provocation for (re)considering how the ethics review might be enacted. Much of this criticism focuses on how ethics review boards _deliberate,_ with particular attention given to the lack of transparency and opportunities for researcher recourse that characterise ethics review processes. Centered specifically (...)
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  32.  30
    Word frequency, personal values, and visual duration thresholds.Richard L. Solomon & Davis H. Howes - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (4):256-270.
  33. Book Review. [REVIEW]Richard Davis - 2004 - Philosophia Christi 6 (2):355-356.
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  34.  23
    In Defence of a Fallacy.Richard Davies - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne 34 (2):25-42.
    In light of recent developments in argumentation theory, we begin by considering the account that Aristotle gives of what he calls sophistical refutations and of the usefulness of being able to recognise various species of them. His diagnosis of one of his examples of the grouping that he labels epomenon is then compared with a very recent account of the matter, which, like Aristotle, calls on us to attribute a mistake or confusion to anyone who uses this kind of argument. (...)
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  35. Plantinga's Defence and His Theodicy are Incompatible.Richard Brian Davis & W. Paul Franks - 2017 - In Klaas J. Kraay, Does God Matter?: Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism. Routledge. pp. 203–223.
    In this paper, we attempt to show that if Plantinga’s free will defence succeeds, his O Felix Culpa theodicy fails. For if every creaturely essence suffers from transworld depravity, then given that Jesus has a creaturely essence (as we attempt to show), it follows that Incarnation and Atonement worlds cannot be actualized by God, in which case we have anything but a felix culpa.
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  36.  64
    The morality of happiness by Julia Annas.Review author[S.]: Richard Kraut - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (4):921-927.
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  37.  35
    Framing the diagnosis and treatment of absolute uterine factor infertility: Insights from in-depth interviews with uterus transplant trial participants.Elliott G. Richards, Patricia K. Agatisa, Anne C. Davis, Rebecca Flyckt, Hilary Mabel, Tommaso Falcone, Andreas Tzakis & Ruth M. Farrell - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (1):23-35.
    Background: Despite procedural innovations and increasing numbers of uterus transplant attempts worldwide, the perspectives of uterus transplant (UTx) trial participants are lacking. Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study with women with absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI). Participants included women who had previously contacted the Cleveland Clinic regarding the Uterine Transplant Trial and met the initial eligibility criteria for participation. In-depth interviews were conducted in conjunction with FertiQoL, a validated and widely used tool to measure the impact of infertility on the (...)
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  38. Evil and Agent-Causal Theism.Richard Brian Davis - 2019 - In W. Paul Franks, Explaining Evil: Four Views. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 11-28.
    In this chapter, I attempt to show that evil exists only if what I call Agent Causal Theism (ACT) is true. According to ACT, human beings are immaterial, conscious agents endued (by God) with a power of self-motion: the power to think, decide, and act for ends in light of reasons, but without being externally caused to do so (even by God himself). By contrast, I argue that there is no space for evil in the worldviews of naturalistic Darwinism or (...)
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  39. The Brave New Bare Particularism.Richard Davis - 2004 - Modern Schoolman 81 (4):267-273.
    Initially introduced to the philosophical world as elusive, we-know-notwhats—substrata underlying the properties had or exemplified by things, but themselves bereft of properties—bare particulars have been dismissed as undetectable, unnecessary, and even incoherent. Hardly a warm welcome. It appears, however, that times are changing. In a recent series of articles, for example, J. P. Moreland has argued that “bare particulars are crucial entities in any adequate overall theory of individuation”;’ that is, concrete particulars cannot be individuated without them. In the same (...)
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  40.  19
    (1 other version)Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, Contexts (review).Paul Duncum - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (1):118-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, ContextsPaul DuncumExploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, Contexts, edited by Matthew Rampley. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005, 257 pp., $32.00 paper.I review this new introductory text in light of its competition as a textbook for undergraduates and as an introduction for graduate students. Other such texts include Barnard, Elkins, Mirzeoff, Walker and Chaplin, and Sturken and Cartwright,1 which appears to be the most (...)
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    A Nietzschean Bestiary: Becoming Animal Beyond Docile and Brutal (review).Robert N. Matuozzi - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):443-447.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Nietzschean Bestiary: Becoming Animal Beyond Docile and BrutalRobert N. MatuozziA Nietzschean Bestiary: Becoming Animal Beyond Docile and Brutal, edited by Christa Davis Acampora and Ralph R. Acampora ; xxxii & 371 pp. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. $75.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.What if instead of re-reading Nietzsche's corpus, one imagines what it would be like to view his works on the "Nietzsche Network." Imagine a spectator (...)
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  42. Jonathan Hart and Richard W. Bauman, eds., Explorations in Difference: Law, Culture, and Politics Reviewed by.Tony Couture - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (2):102-104.
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  43. Richard E. Aquila, Matter in Mind: A Study of Kant's Transcendental Deduction Reviewed by.D. P. Dryer - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (3):91-92.
  44. (1 other version)Richard De George, Business Ethics: Reviewed by.Ken Hanly - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (3):172-175.
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  45. Richard H. Schlagel, From Myth to the Modern Mind: Volume I, Animism to Archimedes Reviewed by.R. J. Hankinson - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7 (4):161-163.
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  46. Michael A. Peters and Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr., eds., Richard Rorty: Education, Philosophy, and Politics Reviewed by.Jerrold L. Kachur - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (5):359-361.
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  47. Richard Sorabji, ed., Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and their Influence Reviewed by.David Konstan - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (9):387-389.
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  48. Richard D. Mohr, The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality, and Rights Reviewed by.Zachary A. Kramer - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (4):276-278.
  49. Richard Hudelson, Marxism and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: A Defense of Vulgar Marxism Reviewed by.Tony Smith - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (5):328-330.
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  50. Rob van Gerwen, ed., Richard Wollheim on the Art of Painting: Art as Representation and Expression Reviewed by.Mark Starr - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (3):222-224.
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